The latest flagship beast from the Chinese company OnePlus 5 was launched on 22nd June 2017. Known for its high-end specification such as 8GB RAM, latest Snapdragon processor, Dual Camera, Dash Charging feature and lot more. Today, 2nd August 2017 OnePlus has come out with a new image on twitter which shows that the OnePlus 5 might be available in new color.
Yes, you have heard it right, If you have felt that the OnePlus 5 is not having many color variants then good news for you guys. According to the latest image posted by OnePlus on Twitter, there are chances that OnePlus 5 might be getting a new color.
According to the image launched this morning, it clearly shows ‘5omething New. Coming Soon’ which clearly states that there would be a new color variant available soon.
Are you ready to ‘Add to cart’ the new OnePlus 5 color?
Earlier when OnePlus 5 had launched there were just two colors available they were Midnight Black and Slate gray. Both these version were on the darker variant side and there were no lighter color models. I personally heard many of my friends saying there are just two colors and they wish to have more options while purchasing a smartphone with huge investment.
5omething new coming up! Can you guess what it is? 🤔
— OnePlus India (@OnePlus_IN) August 2, 2017
When a brand provides great performance and a versatile machine they should also provide more color variants. Colors and Looks are the first things which attract the customer to make a purchase.
What can we expect for a new OnePlus 5?
The upcoming OnePlus 5 might be available in White, Red or Blue color with a probability of glossy finishing. As the upper horizontal seam above the camera has been removed in the image or may be black to provide a better contrast look in case of a White variant. Hoping for more highlights and news related to this from OnePlus 5. There are huge expectations from one of the best selling phone.