Among the biggest names in the markets of social media, Twitter has been going through troubling times off late. The company has been witnessing a slowdown, and their market share is declining. Snapchat recently took over the company in terms of evaluation as well as in terms of daily active users. The social media giant has responded in an appropriate manner, and is now looking forward towards coming out with a number of new updates and innovations which will help them bounce back. Twitter for iOS users have just got their latest update.

This new update is similar to what the Android users received a few months ago. This new update will now allow the Twitter for iOS users to finally make use of the much awaited night mode. The night mode is basically a darker theme for Twitter which allows the users to conveniently browse the app during the night. The brighter, regular variant might have a damaging effect on the eyes of the users, especially if used during the night hours. However, the darker variant is more effective.

In order to switch on this night mode, the users need to go to the settings, and enable the night mode. The night mode is essentially a darker, bluer theme, which strains the eye a lot lesser in darker conditions. Twitter announced this new mode today and they officially declared that the update would be rolling out starting today itself.

Night Mode for Twitter for iOS users rolls out with the app being updated to the latest version, which is Twitter v6.60. The company had been testing this feature with a few alpha users for quite a while now, but it is finally out for the public. The app will get an automatic update, but users can also download it from the app store.