When it comes to the world of eBook readers, Amazon’s Kindle occupies much of the marketshare. Not only does the company occupy much of the market share, they also occupy most of the mindshare. Users tend to automatically think about the Kindle every time they are asked about an eBook reader. However Amazon does have a number of competitors in the markets. Kobo happens to be one of them. The company has now announced the arrival of their new eBook reader, the Kobo Aura One.

The device offers the users with a 7.8 inched screen. It offers a pixel density of 300ppi. The device is slightly larger than many other eBook readers in the markets. In addition to that, it is also lightweight, and quite thin. Talking about the dimensions, the Kobo Aura One comes with a 6.9mm thick frame, and weighs 230 grams.

The Kobo Aura One wants the users to have a perfect reading experience. Not only do the users get a good reading experience due to the large size, but they can also tweak many settings. These settings include the color temperature of the display. It can be auto adjusted based on the time of the day. The device actually takes care of a number of needs with this feature.

The Kobo Aura One comes out with a 1GHz processor, and features 512MB of RAM. It will go on sale on the 6th of September in the US and Canada. The device is priced in at $229 in America and $249 in Canada. In addition to these features, the Kobo Aura One is also a waterproof offering. It is IPX8 certified. This means that it offers a much better water resistance compared to its previous variants which offered the IP67 resistance.  This is indeed a promising offering from Kobo.