The Uncharted series of games have been around for exactly a decade now. In the last ten years, we saw the rise of Nathan Drake, as well as a peaceful end to his journey. An Uncharted 4 DLC is now coming out, which for the first time, would not feature the protagonist himself. Uncharted The Lost Legacy is all set to come out later this year, as announced at the E3.
Before Uncharted 4 came out, many gamers were expecting that the game will bring an end to Nathan Drake’s journey as he might end up dying. The game does convey an emotional narrative, but at the end of the day, it does not give you what you were expecting. Instead of meeting a violent end, Nathan Drake’s story comes to a peaceful conclusion. This sort of an ending is truly unexpected because of the incredible story it tells. It is a story of two brothers coming to a very happy ending where fans too get a wholesome feeling.
As attached as we are to Nathan Drake, it would be quite refreshing to play the Uncharted The Lost Legacy DLC as it would have something very different to offer. Naughty Dog has now confirmed that the game does not feature Nathan Drake. They have said that he has no role left to fill, but instead this DLC would be led by two female protagonist. The DLC didn’t really evoke a response that the company was expecting from the audience.
Uncharted The Lost Legacy has the potential to sow the seeds for a fifth installment of the game. However, it is very unlikely that something so big would be coming out in a DLC rather than the main game. Also the fact that Nathan Drake is not included in this DLC would demotivate many gamers. As of now no certain date has been announced but it would be coming out ‘later this year’.